Michael Zalewa LMHC, P.A.

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Offering Helpful Psychological Treatment

Michael is fully prepared to provide comprehensive mental disorder help for a wide range of conditions. He fully understands the trials that individuals suffering from these issues must deal with and he is always happy to make himself available, by appointment, to those who require his experienced service. Reach out to him today to learn how he can help with the conditions below and so much more.

Happy Woman


Individuals who suffer from depression can find themselves feeling hopeless about the future while feeling bad about themselves and those around them. They may lack the energy to get through the day and find that the things that used to bring them pleasure no longer do so. It's a debilitating condition, one that can leave an individual contemplating suicide or, at the very least, not wanting to be here. Relationships can be neglected, causing rifts within families. Individuals may have problems concentrating on work or family responsibilities, and typically have problems with sleep and appetite. Strong feelings of guilt play an important role in one who suffers from depression.

Cognitive Therapy is very effective in the treatment of depression. Michael will help an individual examine their thoughts as it relates to themselves, their world, and those who fill their world. It is believed that one's thoughts can activate one's emotional state. For example, one's negative perception of an event leads to the individual feeling sad about said event. In recent studies, Cognitive Therapy has been shown to be as, if not more effective than anti-depressant medication. Michael believes medication can be a useful adjunct in the treatment of depression and will refer patients to a competent psychiatrist who will treat you with dignity and respect.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is a condition where an individual presents with a pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, affect, and impulsivity. They frantically avoid abandonment, see people as either all good or all bad, have difficulty with a stable self-image, are impulsive, and often self-damaging. Suffering individuals have persistent thoughts about dying or mutilating themselves, are very moody with coinciding feelings of emptiness, as well as feelings of intense or controlling anger. Individuals who suffer from Borderline Personality may also suffer from paranoia or dissociation.

Borderline Personality can be effectively treated. Current research shows great improvement in personality functioning when techniques derived from the theories of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Transference-Focused Psychotherapy are employed. Michael uses both of these models of therapy, helping individuals who suffer from a Borderline Personality both regulate their emotions and improve their interpersonal relationships.


Individuals who suffer from Anxiety are usually given a diagnosis of General Anxiety or free-floating anxiety. Free-floating anxiety can best be described as feeling like something bad is going to happen. Individuals feel restless or keyed up, are easily tired, have difficulty concentrating, are irritable, complain of muscle tension, and suffer from sleep disturbance. They may or may not suffer from panic attacks.

The treatment of Anxiety consists of utilizing Cognitive Behavioral techniques which help an individual focus on predictions (thoughts) which activate and potentially exacerbate feelings of anxiety. Individuals are given take-home assignments where they are able to practice what is discussed in a given session. The goal of treatment is to help an individual gain mastery over their anxiety by focusing on rational thoughts regarding what is believed and predicted, as opposed to the irrational, triggering thoughts.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative disorders are characterized by a disruption of normal consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior. Commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder is frequently found in the aftermath of trauma. While considered rare, studies show the prevalence is approximately 2% of the population. It should be noted that a clinician needs special training in treating Dissociative Identity Disorder. Prior to chosing a therapist, checking to see if they have proper training to treat this disorder is paramount.

Substance Abuse

For the last 60 years, society has been told substance abuse is a disease and individuals must attend 12 step meetings or they will never get clean or sober. Research has since shown that there are several approaches to helping an individual maintain abstinence from mood-altering substances. Michael believes that there are many reasons an individual can find himself or herself addicted or even abusing a substance. Some individuals learn at an early age that the use of illicit substances are correlated with the idea of fun and some individuals believe that the only way to experience such joy is to use these illicit substances. Others believe substance abuse will provide a calming effect. Some believe alcohol relaxes them after a hard day at work or they feel the need to reward themselves after an accomplishment. Still, others use substances as a way to avoid negative emotions — sometimes from events or memories of events from one's past. Substance use can start out being used socially, move to a consistent pattern or weekend use, to using the substance while under stressful times, and finally to where an individual becomes physiologically addicted and suffers from withdrawal symptoms should the user stop taking it.

Mother & Daughter

Michael follows the ASAM Portal of Entry process when he evaluates an individual for substance abuse. He may find that an individual's problem is greater than what can be treated in his office and he may refer an individual to a local outpatient or inpatient clinic. Michael sees Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous as an important part of a person's recovery from the use of illicit substances, but only if the person finds AA/NA amenable to their needs. He is not supportive of forcing AA/NA on an individual. He has experience working with individuals who abuse Alcohol, Opioids (OxyContin, Percocet, Heroin, etc.), Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, etc.), Marijuana (Crippie, Regs, etc.), XTC, Ketamine, Cocaine and Methamphetamines.


Trauma is defined as an event or series of events where an individual has felt their life was either threatened or in danger. The common diagnosis for those who suffer from trauma is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or Acute Anxiety Disorder. Symptoms include flashbacks or intrusive thoughts about the event, feeling like the event is recurring, and having distressing dreams. Traumatic events can happen in childhood and still have a major impact on an individual's life as an adult. Individuals may find themselves having difficulty getting close to someone, they may have issues with trust, and they may avoid situations that may remind them of their traumatic experiences.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing is a well-researched approach that helps individuals heal from their traumatic experience. Michael has over 13 years of using EMDR and initially used EMDR while on active duty with the United States Coast Guard — employing it with those involved with the TWA Flight 800 crash.